Purge Cache on Site Publish

Sometimes you want your new content to be seen immediately.

In Hyperspeed's edge-cached platform, we're delivering a copy of your site from servers nearest your website users, so that they get content as quickly as possible. This means that website updates won't be seen until the cache expires.

Our typical cache duration for HTML, CSS, and JS files is 4 hours.

If you want to wait 4 hours for the world to see your updates, then you don't necessarily need to chache purge feature. If you want your updates to be seen immediately, then cache purge is important for your setup.

How Purge Cache on Site Publish Works

Hyperspeed includes the ability to purge the edge cache. We integrate that with your Webflow site, so that publishing your site will automatically clear the cache, to ensure your new content is delivered as soon as possible.

Remember that a cache purge means that the Cloudflare edge cache is fully emptied, and must be rebuilt. This will increase traffic to Webflow's origin servers until Cloudflare's cache has re-acquired all documents and assets for your site.

Typically this is not a significant concern, but if you are publishing your site several times a day, and one of your goals is to minimize bandwidth to Webflow's origin servers, be aware of the impacts here.

Last updated